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First week of East Ayrshire Commonplace going live

Thank you to everyone who has visited the site and contributed so far. Since the launch of the East Ayrshire Commonplace website on Thursday 16th July 2020 we have already received a total of 914 visitors to the site .

Comments received

Kilmarnock Town Centre interactive map: We’ve received a total of 34 contributions on this map which includes 16 comments and 18 agreements.

East Ayrshire interactive map: We’ve received a total of 146 contributions on this map which includes 58 comments and 88 agreements. Below is a screen shot of the map with the comments to date. The darker the pins the more ‘critical’ the barrier is that the respondent commented on:

Your feedback will help prioritise the delivery of temporary interventions that will have the greatest benefit to public health, which can be delivered in a short timeframe, and which can accommodate the needs of all road users without creating inequalities.

Please share the project

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Remember to share the East Ayrshire Commonplace page with your family and friends. The more people involved, the better the needs of the whole community will be reflected.

Posted on 24th July 2020

by The project team