
Read our updated plans for Kilmarnock cycle routes


Read our updated plans for Kilmarnock cycle routes

We secured funding from the Spaces for People programme to design and implement changes on Grassyards Road and Western Road to enhance the existing advisory cycle lanes. These lanes are quite narrow and can be disrupted by parked vehicles.

The plans and photographs below show the extents of the areas we are considering and the current layout on Grassyards Road and Western Road.

After design work by Sustrans we will be trialling soft segregation measures on Grassyards Road (see plans below).

Unfortunately the proposals for improvements to the cycle lanes on Western Road will not be possible to implement on a temporary basis (which is a requirement of this funding stream).

We also secured funding to design and implement changes on Garden Street and Hill Street to reallocate road space to give greater priority to cyclists. These roads link Ayrshire College (Kilmarnock) to the railway station, the town centre and onward to the National Cycle Network route (NCN 73) but the existing road environment does not support easy cycling.

Sustrans have developed a scheme that meets the above aims and which we are keen to trial but further development of this project is dependent on a relaxation of Scottish Government restrictions that have closed Higher and Further Learning centres, and resulted in home working for all who can.

It will not be possible therefore to progress this scheme as part of the Spaces for People programme and so the scheme is on hold until we are further into the recovery stage from COVID-19; have a clearer idea of possible timescales for implementation, and have sourced alternative funding for the trial.

Additional materials

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Grassyards Road Plan (sheet 1)
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Grassyards Road Plan (sheet 2)
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Grassyards Road Plan (sheet 3)
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